Vilnius, Lithuania

So today I found this awesome postcard in my mailbox, from my pal Ugne. It’s from Vilnius, Lithuania. It’s one of those awesome folded kind of postcards with the panoramic view on the inside. (the kind I cannot find here in Zagreb, haha)

Anyway, here’s the front side:

And here is what you see when you open it once:

And this is what you see when it’s fully opened. I had to take a photo of it (sorry for the low quality) because it didn’t fit into my scanner.

It’s really, really awesome!!! You know what else is awesome? Those fluffy clouds in the photos! <3

Taiwan, Czech Rep.

There was something nice in my mailbox today. :)

First, a postcard from Taipei City, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Well, the printed description is in what I believe is Chinese… but alright, I can clearly see it’s Xinyi Public Assembly Hall.

And the second one, from Prague, Czech Republic. This one is panorama size postcard, showing several different views of Prague castle. I really like how pretty it is. :)